New Feature: Custom Categories

We are excited to announce the launch of a much requested feature – custom Categories!  You can now create your own set of Categories for posters to select when purchasing job listings on your site.

To setup simply go to your Admin panel and choose “Categories” in the left nav.  You can add as many categories as you’d like.  These Categories will then appear in a multi-select box for users when posting jobs.  You can even go back and retro-actively add Categories to previously posted jobs.

You can control how many Categories a poster can select from your Site Config menu.  Go to Site Config > Main.  At the bottom there is a field labeled “Max # Categories”.  Enter the value here.  Leave empty for unlimited, and enter “0” to hide the ability to choose Categories.

After you setup Categories you’ll see them listed in the bottom right of your sidebar.  Clicking on a Category will take you to a new Category landing pages which shows all jobs filtered by that Category.  

Here’s a sample: