We’ve released a number of updates and enhancements to our Jobs API.
More powerful search endpoint
In addition to the existing support for query parameters the /api/v1/jobs/search end point, you can now simply append any url from your websites public /search url.
This means any combination of taxonomies, custom fields, location, etc that you seen in your websites’ /search url can be appended.
For example “yourapi.jobboard.io/api/v1/jobs/search/computer-and-information-technology?jt=Full+Time&remote=full” – will return the same jobs as visiting www.yourdomain.com/search/computer-and-information-technology?jt=Full+Time&remote=full.
Added Signed In Data to Employer and Profiles
For both our Employer and Profile endpoints we now expose:
current_sign_in_at: the date and time of the most recent sign in.
current_sign_in_ip: the IP Address of the most recent sign in.
last_sign_in_at: the data and time of the previous sign in.
last_sign_in_ip: the IP Address of the previous sign in.
Added a new Get Jobs by Token Endpoint
We’ve a new Get Jobs by Token endpoint. This allows you to retrieve jobs based on the JobBoard.io generated token which is exposed in the Get Jobs end point. Previously the only way to retrieve a specific job was via your own reference ID provided upon job creation used in conjunction with the Get Jobs by Reference end point.
Added ability to query jobs by Status
We’ve added support for a “status” parameter to the Get Jobs endpoint. This will allow you to retrieve jobs based on the four Job status: “published”, “unpublished”, “draft”, and “expired”.